“Retuning for a New Age: Extending Scordatura Options for the Viola”, PhD thesis, University of Otago, 2013.
Filmer, Andrew, Robin Lee, and Mabel Wong. “Time and Time Again: Tempo as Interpretation in the Second Movement of Mozart’s Mozart’s ‘Kegelstatt’ Trio”, Australian and New Zealand Viola Society Journal, No. 39 (June 2016).
“Textural Building at its Finest: the First of Schumann’s Märchenbilder“, Australian and New Zealand Viola Society Journal, No. 35 (June 2014).
“The Legacy and Impact of the Macdonald Stradivari Viola”, Journal of the American Viola Society, Vol. 30, Online Issue. (Summer, 2014).
“More Strings Attached: The Partnership of Luthier and Performer” (Construction and Design departmental article), Journal of the American Viola Society, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Fall, 2013)
“Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante: A Celebration of Diversity and the role of Scordatura”, Stringendo (Oct. 2012).
“Bach’s Cello Suite No. 5: Sources, Theories, and Performance Pathways”, Arco, the UK branch of the European String Teachers’ Association (April 2012).
“A World of Diversity Within a Slur: Generic Mixing and Systematic Variation in Two Case Studies of Articulation Markings in Bach.” Invited paper, New Zealand branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, Nov. 3. Published in Crescendo, 2012.
“An Acoustic Journey in Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 6: Genre, Instrumentation, and the Quest for Timbre”, Journal of the American Viola Society, Vol. 27 (Summer 2011).
“Building a Framework for Scordatura: New Possibilities for the Viola, and Beyond”, String Praxis, Vol. 1, No. 1.
“Power-plays in Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante: A Question of Philosophies on the Genre,” Journal of the American Viola Society 24, no. 2, 2008.
Vivaldi, Antonio. First movement, Autumn from The Four Seasons, transcribed for viola with editorial commentary. Australian and New Zealand Viola Society Journal, No. 41 (June 2017).
Telemann, Georg Phillipp. Concerto for Two Violettas. Prepared from the autograph, ed. Andrew Filmer and David Bynog. AVS Publications, American Viola Society, 2013.
Bach, Johann Sebastian. Suite No. 5. Prepared and restored from the cello suite autographs of the Anna Magdalena Bach and Johann Kellner, and the lute manuscript BWV995 of J.S. Bach, ed. Andrew Filmer and Donald Maurice. Comus Edition, UK, 2013.
Mozart, W.A. Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major, viola part, in original and extended scordaturas, with source and text analysis. AVS Publications, American Viola Society, 2012.
Bach, Johann Sebastian. Brandenburg Concerto No. 6. Prepared from the autograph, and edited for scordatura viola substitutions of the viola da gamba parts, ed. Andrew Filmer. Comus Edition, UK, 2011.
“In Review: the 41st International Viola Congress,” Journal of the American Viola Society, 2014.
“National Colours of Sound: A Concert Celebrating 40 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between New Zealand and Poland”, [Review], Australian and New Zealand Viola Society Journal, Issue 34, 2013.
“Versatility in Krakow: the 41st International Viola Congress”, Journal of the Canadian Viola Society, Issue 72 (Fall 2013).
“International Viola Conference, Sydney – 23-25 March 2012”, [Review], Stringendo, Australian Strings Association, 2012.
“Review: 39th International Viola Congress, 2011”, Australian and New Zealand Viola Society Journal, 2012.
“In Review: The XXXIX International Viola Congress”, Andrew Filmer and John Roxburgh, Journal of the American Viola Society, Vol. 28, No. 1,( April 2012).
Filmer, Andrew. “No Museum Pieces: A Practical Take to the Grande Sestetto Concertante.” 44th International Viola Conference, New Zealand School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington, September 2017.
Filmer, Andrew. “Filtering the Fifth: Philological bias, reception history, and revisions to Bach’s Fifth Cello Suite.” Thailand International Viola Conference, Mahidol University, Thailand, February 2016.
Selvarajah, Indra and Andrew Filmer. “Music Lessons: Approaches for Students with Special Needs.” UPM Music Cares Music Therapy and Autism Seminar, Bentley Music Academy, Malaysia, May 2014.
“Bach’s Fifth Cello Suite: Genesis, Voicing, and Performance Approaches”, International Viola Congress. Poland, September 2013.
“Scordatura: Returning the Skill of Returning to the Performer’s Toolbox”, Elder Conservatorium’s Postgraduate Music Seminar, University of Adelaide, March 2013.
“A French Connection: Creating a Critical Edition of Telemann’s Concerto for Two Violas”, Auckland Viola Convention, Australian and New Zealand Viola Society, March 2013.
“Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante: A Celebration of Diversity, and an Extended Scordatura.” International Viola Conference, Sydney, March 2012.
“Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 6: Generic Mixing and a Scordatura Substitution for the Viola da Gamba.” 39th International Viola Congress, Germany, November 2011.
“Angels, Devils, and the Mistuned Instrument: the Past, Present and Future of Scordatura.” Paper presentation, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, Oct. 6, 2011.
“Hit, Not Miss: Towards the Return of Scordatura.” Victoria Postgraduate Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, Nov. 14, 2010.
“Performers’ Editions and Additions: A Case Study in Decoding Intent in Early 18th Century Musical Handwriting.” New Historians Postgraduate Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, August 30-31, 2010.
2012: The Troubles, Rattle Records, New Zealand.
2005: Jeep Jazz Trio and Friends, Vol. 1, Penang, Malaysia.
“A Bangkok State of Mind,” June/July 2006, Strings Magazine.
Music Journal, College of Music, Mahidol University.
Vol. 8 June 2004: “The Case for the Viola”
Vol. 10 August 2004: “Chamber Music – With Strings Attached”
Vol. 11 September 2004: “Natural Tendencies and Playing in the Dark”
Vol. 1 November 2004: “Strings and Wires: Discussing the Effects of Technology in Music”
Vol. 3 January 2005: “Awareness and Options: New Aspects of String Technique, and Old Ones We Forget to Question”